Dr.Mehmed Kantardzic Photo
Mehmed Kantardzic PhD, Professor DataMining photo
CECS dept,Speed Scientific School, U of L

University of Louisville, CECS Department








Instructor:            Dr. Mehmed Kantardzic                                        Phone:     (502) 852-3703

                                                                                                                        E-mail:    mmkant01@louisville.edu


Office Hours:      TTh  03:00 pm-04:00 pm                  DC 210

                                or other times by appointment


Lectures:              TTh   04:00pm-05:15 pm                  DC 116


Laboratory:        None


Course Prerequisite:  CECS 310


Course Description:

This course is an introduction to formal specification of different types of automata and languages, and their applications to engineering problems including modeling the behavior of discrete systems.  Topics include theory of computing, formal languages theory, and applications of cellular automata.

The course contains heavy coverage of the following ABET goals: the ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, and the ability to formulate and solve problems.


Course Objectives:

At the conclusion of this course, the successful (passing) student will be able to:


a.                   Understand the basic principles of formal languages and abstract models of computation.

b.                   Demonstrate the ability to specify and design finite automata, pushdown automata, and Turing machines.

c.                    Demonstrate the ability to analyze and design regular, context-free, recursive, and context sensitive languages.

d.                   Demonstrate a working knowledge on computational complexity and limits of algorithmic computation.

e.                    Formalize problems in computer science with greater mathematical maturity.


P. Linz, An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata, 5nd Edition, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc., 2011.



Homework assignments serve as an aid to the class lecture topics.  They will be given in class and are expected to be completed before the next class.  Unannounced quizzes may be given on homework assignments.


Grading Policy:

There will be two TESTS and a COMPREHENSIVE FINAL EXAM.  Arrangements must be made IN ADVANCE if for some valid reason you cannot take an exam at the scheduled time.  Tests and exams will be closed book. 


In addition to achieving a passing cumulative score (typically 60%), a minimum performance of 50% should also be achieved in each of the next three areas (given with weights):




                                                                10 Quizzes                            20%

                                                                Two Tests                              40%

                                                                Final Exam                           40%

                                                                Total                                      100%


Grading Scale

                                                    (90% & up)      A                               (80%-89.99%)     B

                                                   (70%-79.99%)   C                            (60%-69.99%)        D

                                                                             (below 60%)   F


Cheating Policy:

Students are encouraged to work together and learn from each other.  However, cheating in any form on exams, or copying of homework or computer programs will not be tolerated.  Any evidence of cheating will result in a failing grade for the course and appropriate notification will be made to the Dean's office.


General Policies:

Paper-and-pencil type homework will be assigned.  Homework is due at the beginning of the next class. Homework will NOT be collected and graded, but the problems from the homework will be assigned for the unannounced quizzes.


Students with Disabilities:

If you need accommodations because of a disability, if you have emergency medical information to share with me, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please see me after the first class meeting or make an appointment to discuss it with me as soon as possible.


Tentative Schedule:

The following is the tentative schedule of topics, and associated text sections, which will be covered.


                1.             Introduction to the Theory of Computation                  (Chapter 1)

                2.             Finite Automata                                                                  (Chapter 2)

                3.             Regular Languages and Regular Grammars                  (Chapters 3 and 4)

                4.             Context-Free Languages                                                    (Chapters 5, 6 and 8)

                5.             Pushdown Automata                                                          (Chapter 7)

                6.             Turing Machines                                                                  (Chapters 9 and 10)

                7.             A Hierarchy of Formal Languages and Automata       (Chapter 11)


Computer projects:  None


Oral and written communication requirements:

There will be no oral or written communication requirements beyond normal homework assignments, quizzes and exams. 


Title IX/Clery Act Notification

Sexual misconduct (including sexual harassment, sexual assault, and any other nonconsensual behavior of a sexual nature) and sex discrimination violate University policies. Students experiencing such behavior may obtain confidential support from the PEACC Program (852-2663), Counseling Center (852-6585), and Campus Health Services (852-6479). To report sexual misconduct or sex discrimination, contact the Dean of Students (852-5787) or University of Louisville Police (852-6111).


Disclosure to University faculty or instructors of sexual misconduct, domestic violence, dating violence, or sex discrimination occurring on campus, in a University-sponsored program, or involving a campus visitor or University student or employee (whether current or former) is not confidential under Title IX. Faculty and instructors must forward such reports, including names and circumstances, to the University's Title IX officer.


For more information, see the Sexual Misconduct Resource Guide.



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