Other Publications & Projects
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Books |
- M. Kantardzic, “Knowledge Engineering Principles: Representation and Search”, Svjetlost Pub. Co., prepared for publication in 1994, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, M. Barucija, “Introduction to Informatics”, Svjetlost Pub. Co., Sarajevo, 1991, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, S. Kovacevic, “Office Automation: Tools and Methods” Svjetlost Pub. Co., Sarajevo 1989, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, “Computers and Programming”, Svjetlost Pub. Co., Sarajevo, 1986, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, K. Delic, “Pattern Recognition Principles” Svjetlost Pub. Co., Sarajevo, 1984, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, D. Zeric, D. Kantardzic, A Mikulic, A. Saric, “Integrated Programming environment as a support for Survey and Opinion Research”, II Workshop on Informatics in Bosnia, Sarajevo, December 1993.
- M. Kantardzic, “WAQUM: Current Status and Applications”, Bosnian Academia of Science Workshop on Environment Protection in a War, Sarajevo, December 1992, (in Bosnian).
- N. Gujic, M. Kantardzic, “Protection Mechanism Realization in a DIPSTY-E System”, XXXV Yugoslav Conference ETAN, Ohrid, June 1991, (in Bosnian).
- S. Rizvic, M. Kantardzic, A. Filipovic,” Problems in a Temporal Reasoning”, MIPRO ’91 Conference, Opatija, May 1991, (in Bosnian).
- N. Gujic, M. Kantardzic, “Protection Mechanism in DIPSY-E System”, XV Information Technologies Conference, Sarajevo, March 1991, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, N. Milicic, U. Jusupovic, “Graphical Knowledge Based Electronic Mail System”, Proceedings of the 6 th Mediterranean MELECON Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 1991, pp.1165-1168.
- M. Kantardzic, N. Gujic, A. Filipovic, V. Okanovic, H. Glavic, “Explanation Possibilities in DIPSY-E System”, MIPRO Conference, Opatija, May 1990, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, O. Martinovic, A. Filipovic, ”Generator of Stylized Knowledge Base”, Yugoslav Conference ETAN’90, Zagreb, June 1990, (in Bosnian).
- M.Kantardzic, N.Gujic, A.Filipovic, V.Okanovic, H.Glavic, “Tightly-Couples Rules Search Strategy”, International Conference “Computer at University”, Cavtat, June 1990.
- M. Kantardzic, D. Gajic, U. Jusupovic, “Mathematical Text as a Graphic Component of Electronic Document”, YUGRAPH Conference, Dubrovnik, April 1990.
- M. Kantardzic, N. Milicic, “Model of a System for Documents Distribution”, XIV Conference on Information Technologies, Sarajevo, March 1990, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, U. Jusupovic, D. Gajic, “Levels in Generating Mathematical Text”, ETAN Conference, Zagreb, June 1990, (in Bosnian).
- Filipovic, M. Kantardzic, H. Glavic, N. Gujic, V. Okanovic, “DIPSY-E: Expert System Development Tool (an overview and experience)”, AI Applicationa Conference, Dubrovnik, August 1989.
- M. Kantardzic, N. Agovic, A. Filipovic, “Fuzzy Data Editor in DIPSY-E System”, ETAI Conference, Ohrid, October 1989, (in Bosnian).
- A.FILIPOVIC, D. Gajic, M. Kantardzic, H. Glavic, N. Milicic, “Draft on Multimedia Documents II’ ROJP Conference, Portoroz 1989, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, S. Kapetanovic, U. Jusupovic, H. Glavic,” Semantic Operations in DIP System”, XIII Information Technologies Conference, Sarajevo, March 1989, (in Bosnian).
- R. Milovanovic, M.Hajdukovic, Z.Salcic, M.Kantardzic, E.Humo,”A Large Software Project: Lessons Learned”, 2 nd IFAC/IFIP Workshop on Experience with the Management of Software Projects, Sarajevo, September 1988.
- Filipovic, D. Gajic, H. Glavic, M. Kantardzic, N. Milicic, “Draft on Multimedia Documents”, ROJP Conference, Portoroz 1988, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, A. Filipovic, H. Glavic, “Expert System for Component Selection in a Technical Security System”, MIPRO’88 Conference, Opatija, May 1988, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, H. Glavic, A. Filipovic, “CAD of Technical Security System: Knowledge Based Approach”, XXXII Yugoslav Conference ETAN, Sarajevo, June 1988, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, “L-R Fuzzy Numbers Representation of Linguistic Imprecise Data”, Information Technologies Conference, Sarajevo, March 1988, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, S. Kovacevic, “Intelligent Form Management System”, ICCIP ’87 Conference, Beijing, China, August 1987.
- M. Kantardzic, E. Kazic, “Expert System on a Personal Computer”, MIPRO ’86 Conference, Opatija, May 1986, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, “The Inference Engine in the DIP-E Development Tool for Expert System”, Proceedings on Applications of Artificial Intelligence IV, Innsbruck, Austria, April 1986.
- S. Osmanagic, M. Kantardzic, A. Filipovic, “Architecture and Performance of Tools for Developing Intelligent Systems”, XI International Conference on Cybernetics, Namur, Belgium, August 1986.
- M. Kantardzic, S. Kovacevic, N. Pejovic, S. Boltek, S. Osmanagic, A. Markovic, ”An Approach in Graphical Subsystem Realization: Application Oriented Environment Based on AI”, ETAN’86 Conference, Herceg Novi, June 1986, (in Bosnian).
- Filipovic, S. Osmanagic, M. Kantardzic, “DIPSY-E Syntactical Editor: Software Tool for Knowledge Base Maintenance”, VIII International Conference “Computer at University”, Cavtat, May 1986.
- M. Kantardzic, S. Kovacevic, “DIP: AI Based System for Document Manipulations”, Technique-Science-Engineering, No. 25, May 1986.
- M. Kantardzic, “Expert Systems: New Applications Oriented Programming Environments”, Technique-Science-Engineering, No. 25, May 1986.
- M. Kantardzic, Z. Mijovic, “ EDISON Symbolic Debugger”, VII International Conference “Computer at University”, Cavtat, May 1985.
- M. Kantardzic, S. Osmanagic, A. Filipovic, “DIPSY-E: Software Development Tool”, ETAN ’85 Conference, Nis, June 1985, (in Bosnian).
- Kulenovic, M. Kantardzic, “Design of an Expert System Based on Data Base Management System”, IX BiH Conference on Informatics, Sarajevo, March 1985, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, “Mini Computers Applications in Medicine’, Workshop on Process Modeling, Sarajevo, December 1984, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, S. Kovacevic, “DIP: Intelligent Form Management System”, IFIP Conference “Network in Office Automation”, Sofia, September 1984.
- S. Kovacevic, M. Kantardzic, “Typewriter as a Graphical Output Device in Office Automation”, First Austro-Yugoslav Conference on Computer Graphics, Kranjska Gora, May 1984.
- M. Kantardzic, S. Kovacevic, “DIP: Office Automation Support System”, ETAN ’84 Conference, Split, June, 1984, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, Z. Vukajlovic, Z. Mijovic, R. Milovanovic, A. Karahasanovic, “Symbolic Debugger for EDISON Programming Language”, VIII BiH Conference on Informatics, Sarajevo, March 1984, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, S. Osmanagic, K. Delic, “Syntactic Editor for EDISON Programming Language: Modeling Process”, ETAN ’83 Conference, Struga, June 1983, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, D. Jurkovic, “Parameter Processing Language and Compiler for DIPSY Word Processor”, V International Conference “Computer at University”, Cavtat, May 1983.
- M. Kantardzic, S. Kovacevic, “Realization of Intelligent Word Processor”, VII BiH Conference on Informatics, Sarajevo, April 1983, (in Bosnian).
- S. Kovacevic, M. Kantardzic, “Applications of Pattern Recognition Methods in an Information Retrieval System”, Jahorina’83 Conference, Sarajevo, April 1983, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, Z. Salcic, S. Kovacevic, “Text processing System”, Conference on Text Processing Problems, Zagreb, October 1982, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, R. Milovanovic, “Computer Analysis and Recognition of EEG Signal: An Interactive Approach” , Jahorina’82 Conference, Sarajevo, March 1982, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, “Semantical Aspects of Information Theory: Application on Data Sets Analysis”, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, June 1980.
- M .Kantardzic, S. Kovacevic, F. Mehovic, M. Todorovic, “ Different Data Organization in a System for Information Retrieval”, III International Conference “Computer at University”, Cavtat, May 1981.
- M. Kantardzic, F. Mehovic, S. Kovacevic, “Information Retrieval Software Tool: Performance Evaluation”, V BiH Conference on Informatics, Sarajevo, March 1981, (in Bosnian).
- Dz. Kantardzic, M. Kantardzic, A. Mirojevic, “Applications on Off-line Computer Analysis of EEG Signal in Clinical practice”, II Congress on Clinical Neurophysiology, Belgrade, May 1980. (in Bosnian).
- Dz. Kantardzic, M. Kantardzic, V. Deletis, B. Grdzic, “ Computer Application in EEG Analysis”, University Medical Center Workshop, Sarajevo, April 1980, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, “The Protection of Data Bases from User’s Generating of Forbidden Information”, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Information-Control Systems of Robots, Bratislava, April 1980.
- F. Mehovic, M. Kantardzic, “Programming Tool for Statistical Analysis Multidimensional Tables”, IV Bosnian Conference on Informatics, Sarajevo, March 1980, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, S. Kovacevic, “Application of Statistical Analysis in Determination of Serbo-Croatian Text Characteristics”, IV Bosnian Conference on Informatics, Sarajevo, March 1980, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, “Data Protection Algorithm”, IV Bosnian Conference on Informatics, Sarajevo, March 1980, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, “Model of Information Generating on Semantic Level”, Informatica ’79Conference, Bled, October 1979.
- M. Kantardzic, M. Sarajlic, “ Cost-Benefit Analysis with Interactive Software Tool”, Informatica ’79 Conference, Bled, October 1979.
- Z. Salcic, M. Hajdukovic, M. Kantardzic, “ Data Bases of Hydrological Information System”, III Bosnian Conference on Informatics “Jahorina ‘79”, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, “An Algorithm for Optimal Data Retrieval from Files”, Congress on Mathematics, Varna, Bulgaria, March 1979.
- O. Alagic, M. Barucija, M. Kantardzic, “Realization of Computer Bases System for Electricity Charge in VPV”, CIGRE ’78 Conference, Dubrovnik, November 1978, (in Bosnian).
- M. Barucija, M. Sarajlic, M. Kantardzic, “Relational Character of SPOK System”, Informatica ’78 Conference, Bled, October 1978.
- M. Barucija, M. Kantardzic, “Information System for Electricity Charge in VPV”, II.Bosnian Conference on Informatics “Jahorina’78”, Sarajevo, March 1978, (in Bosnian).
- Z. Salcic, M. Hajdukovic, M. Kantardzic, “An Approach to Hydrological Information System Development”, II Bosnian Conference on Informatics “Jahorina ‘78”, Sarajevo, March, 1978, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, “Clustering Organization of Files”, II Bosnian Conference on Informatics “Jahorina ‘78”, Sarajevo, March, 1978, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, M. Sarajlic, “Programming Environment for Files Manipulation on Mini Computers”, ETAN ’78 Conference, Zadar 1978, (in Bosnian).
- S. Muftic, M. Kantardzic, “Generating Semantics of Information through the Process of File Reading”, ETAN ‘77 Conference, Banja Luka, June 1977, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, Dz. Kantardzic, V. Deletis, “Problems in Computerized EEG Analysis”, ETAN ’77 Conference, Banja Luka, June 1977, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, M. Djuknic, “Software Tool Based on Multi-list Data Organization”, International Conference “Informatica 77”, Bled, October 1977.
- M. Kantardzic, Z. Salcic, “ Informatics in High Schools”, I Bosnian Conference on Informatics, Sarajevo, April 1977, (in Bosnian).
- M. Barucija, M. Kantardzic, “Computer Networks”, I Bosnian Conference on Informatics, Sarajevo, April 1977, (in Bosnian).
- Cecez-Kecmanovic, M. Kantardzic, et. al., ‘A Logistical Information System: ISSS Development”, International Conference “Computer at University”, Zagreb, November 1975.
- M. Kantardzic, “Algebraic Approach to Data Files”, M.S. Thesis, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, July 1975, (in Bosnian).
- M. Barucija, M. Kantardzic, “Algebraic Approach to Data Files Conversion”, Informatica Conference, Bled, October, 1975, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, M. Barucija, “ Some Aspects of File Definition”, ETAN ’75 Conference, Ohrid, June 1975, (in Bosnian).
- M. Kantardzic, “Analysis of Bioelectrical Signals and Other Medical Information Using Computers and Specialized Instruments”, University Hospital KOSEVO Workshop, Sarajevo, June 1973, (in Bosnian).
Research Grants & Contracts
- Principal Investigator: Institute for Development of Educational Institution, “Design of Computer Network Architecture at Bosnian Universities”, 1990-1991.
- Principal Investigator: Association of Bosnian Companies _ DC IX, “Development and Implementation of Expert System”, 1989-1993.
- Principal Investigator: Association of Bosnian Companies – DC IX, “Artificial Intelligence Technologies”, 1989-1993.
- Principal Investigator: Yugoslav Federal Science Foundation & ‘Mihajlo Pupin” Institute, “Applications of AI”, 1988-1991.
- Principal Investigator: Association of Bosnian Companies – DC IX, “Tools, Methods and Models in Office Automation”, 1989 – 1993.
- Participant: Institute for Military Technologies – VTI Belgrade, “Computer Based Piezoelectric Sensors for Seismic Signals Processing”, 1987 – 1989.
- Co-Principal Investigator: University of Prague, CSSR, “Trends in Distributed Computer Systems”, 1987 – 1989.
- Participant: Institute for Military Technologies – VTI Belgrade, “Integration of Computer System for Command and Control”, 1987-1988.
- Co-Principal Investigator: Institute for Military Technologies- VTI Belgrade, “System Software and Application Software for C3I”, 1985-1987.
- Principal Investigator: Institute for Military Technologies VTI Belgrade,” Software Simulator for Technical Security Design”, 1986-1988.
- Co-Principal Investigator: Republic Science Found & Energoinvest Company, “Distributed Computer System Based on Personal Station – DIPSY” (Macro project), 1983- 1989.
- Principal Investigator: Institute for Radiology, University Medical Center, “Hospital Information Retrieval System”, 1983- 1985.
- Co-Principal Investigator: Institute for Military Technologies VTI Belgrade, “Software in 90 th”, 1983-1985.
- Principal Investigator: Republic Science Foundation, Sarajevo, “Computer Based Analysis of Biomedical Signals”, 1980-1981.
- Participant: Republic Science Foundation, Sarajevo, “Data Bases Interconnection”, 1978-1979.
- Participant: Republic Science Foundation, Sarajevo, “ METRIS: Methodology of Information System Development”, 1977 – 1978.
- Principal Investigator: Republic Science Foundation, Sarajevo, “Mathematical Foundation of Pattern Recognition”, 1980-1981.
- Principal Investigator: Republic Science Foundation, “Educational Program in Informatics for High School Teachers”, 1978-1979.
- Principal Investigator: Neuropsychiatry Clinic, University Hospital Sarajevo, “Computer Based EEG Analysis”, 1978-1979.
- Principal Investigator: Institute for Hydrotechnics & Republic Science Foundation, “Semantical Aspects of Information Theory”, 1977-1980.
- Participant: Institute for Hydrotechnics & Republic Science Foundation, “Hydrological Information System: HIS”, 1977-1978.
- Participant: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, “University Information System: ISSS”, 1976-1977.
- Co-Principal Investigator: Vladimir Peric Valter Company, Sarajevo, “Information System of Electrical Energy Distribution Company: VPV”, 1975-1976.
- Principal Investigator: Vladimir Peric Valter Company, Sarajevo, “Data Processing on Consumer Records in VPV”, 1974-1975.
- Participant: Railway Transport Company, Sarajevo, “Architecture of Computer Network in Integraltrans Company”, 1975-1977.
- Principal Investigator: Republic Science Foundation, Sarajevo, “Informatics and Computer Science in High Schools”, 1976-1977.
- Participant: Republic Science Foundation, Sarajevo, “Computer Networks”, 1972-1974.
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